First all the gaps in the gib are filled and sanded nice and smooth

Then the painters come and spray everything with an undercoat

The final colours are rolled on. This should all be complete today (Sunday), so we are hoping that the kitchen and bathrooms will all be fitted this week. Tareka and Alec are off down there next off-shift to lay the hearth, then we'll be fitting the fire and wetback once the hot water cylinder is in. We'll have to give the flooring people a couple of weeks notice, so as long as all the fixtures and fittings are in this week, flooring should be going down in about 3 weeks. After that, our drainlayer is all ready for his bit - septic tank, water tank and drains - as soon as the downpipes are on outside.
I think there is some painting to be done outside too, so that will wait for better weather.
Fingers crossed for being all done by the end of this month!
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