We have various strategies for dealing with her - calmly asking her to talk in her nice voice, threatening to remove privileges, the dreaded naughty corner - and they each work depending on the situation. However the one time we can't seem to get over is the pre-bed screaming match.
We have the normal bedtime routine:
Bath, pyjamas, drink, brush teeth, points and stickers, story, light on for 20 minutes then lights out and lullabyes.
Mapera knows (and is constantly reminded) that if the light is on she stays in her room (except for loo visits), and when the light goes out she stays in her BED (again, except for the loo), but she is constantly coming out of her room with various excuses, all of which we ignore and tell her to go to bed. Then begins the screaming and shouting.
After both of us threatening removal of various privileges, she usually ends up in bed with no lullaby at lights out and no DVD allowed the next day, she invariably falls asleep before the light goes off after that.
I'd like bedtimes to be a calm and peaceful end to the day, is that too much to ask?
In other news, Tareka and his Dad have completed the fencing around our new entrance!

We've also chosen the colours for the roof, joinery and interior walls; along with the kitchen cabinets and bench top. We're just waiting for the council to give us the all clear and the builders are ready to start!
1 comment:
Look at that BEAUTIFUL New Zealand sky!!!
And OY...you...you have a secret.
Write me, dammit!
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