Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Knitting up a storm

I have my first official order for a pixie hood! A friend in the UK has asked for one for her 8 month old, but wanted it to fit next winter. It's nearly winter here in NZ, but I assumed she was talking about the UK winter :) so he'll be getting on for 15 months by then. I've knitted the hat part, so now I need to do the tie and then sew it all together. It's come out a bit larger than I planned as the wool is a little thicker that I've used before, but it's slightly larger than the one I had of Mapera when she was about 1year old, so it should fit nicely!

The hat has taken just under a week to knit, as I do an hour or 2 a day/evening. The strap should take less time.

I'll ask her to send me some pictures once she gets it!


littlehouse said...

I had not idea I was the first one! I'm honoured. I'll show it off and tell everyone where it comes from, and you'll have a booming trans-continental mega-bucks business before you know it :)

Unknown said...

I've knitted a few for mates over here, and it was their popularity that made me decide to make more of them. You're my first "proper" customer!
The hat is looking ace now, it's a really nice colour, sort of mossy green with flecks of browns and creams and other earthy colours. Advertising will be appreciated!

littlehouse said...

ooohh. can't wait!