Uncle Rowland was only here for a few days, so we all got together at my in-laws for a family meal on Dad's

After we saw Uncle Rowland off, we had to prepare for Dad's big party on Saturday 15th. We were having a Hangi, so the meat had to be bought, the veg collected, the cake ordered. Friday was a frantic day with the men-folk digging the pit and laying the fire til late into the night.
Saturday morning it was a hive of activity, but we had the food in the ground by 1pm and could relax. I'd

40 oz plain flour
20 oz butter
29 oz golden syrup
8 eggs
40g baking soda
30g vanilla essence
12oz hot water
Rub the butter into the flour, then mix in the rest of the ingredients and beat til smooth. Pour into 2 large tins which have been greased and lined with baking paper, then cover with baking paper and a foil lid and pop into the Hangi basket!
The recipe was to serve 50 people, so it's not as bad as it looks!!!

The food was perfect, we had a good turn out, and this morning we've managed to clean up pretty well, so there is only general house tidying to do. My brother is heading back to Hong Kong tonight (flying at midnight and getting back just in time to go to work! Crazy lad that he is.)
Once Tom's gone I think we can get on with the business of leaving Mum and Dad to babysit, and getting out of the house for a few trips out!
Roll on Christmas, I can handle anything now!
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