I just read back over my old posts, and I think I need to make another project list:
- Knitting - still on the Pixie Hoods as I have loads of wool! My midwife gave me some tougher carpet wool, so that may get made into slippers instead.
- Sewing - Reusable gift wrap is the main focus ready for selling on the stall. I've cut up all the spare fabric I had that was big enough, and now need to iron it and sew it up. I'll try and get that done before the first stall, so I think I'll be getting the old sewing machine out tonight.
- Greetings cards - I've made a big batch of Christmas cards, and have envelopes and plastic bags for all of them, just need to finish off the Christmas tree ones with a little star and I'm all set. Once these are sold, I'll get more materials for another batch.

- Scrapping - I've been given some lovely girly papers and embellishments by a fellow scrapper for my birthday, so I'm going to print out a big copy of this picture of the girls and put that in their scrapbook.
- Mainly Music - this term's theme is Body and Beat and I'm using an old program so everyone knows it! It's designed to get everyone up and moving a bit more.
- Toy Library - I am no longer on the committee, but I haven't been down to hire toys or do a voluntary duty for ages, so I'm popping in on Saturday to rectify this.
That's everything now, the rest of my time is filled by coffee groups, playgroups, swimming lessons, storytime at the library and housework. What an exciting life I lead!
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